Yearning for the Red. Life is a Story -

Yearning for the Red. Life is a Story -

Jennifer Gasser


76 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783710826559

Verlag: publishing

Erscheinungsdatum: 01.09.2023

Sprache: Englisch

18,00 €

inkl. MwSt. / portofrei

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"It is the most beautiful sight. The red on white."

Yearning for the Red is a collection of dark and sorrowful short stories and poems. In this book, Venus grants life yet not freedom. A Paperboy goes missing in the other world and returns silent and changed. Two soldiers hope to make it through the cold darkness, having given up on killing half-gods. Paper will be burned, forgetting how easily the world can go up in flames. And young artists sacrifice everything for art, passion, and the love of their revenant muse.

Though different, every character is yearning for the red: the red sun, the red moon, the red beauty, the red blood and the red flames. All are anticipating the end of their world and ache for immortality.
Jennifer Gasser

Jennifer Gasser

Jennifer Gasser was born and lives in the Canton Solothurn, Switzerland. She currently studies English Literature and Linguistics and Media and Communication Studies at the University of Zurich. One of her short stories was published in the book Elf auf einen Streich - 11 tierische Solothurner Geschichten.

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