Working with Stakeholder Dialogues

Working with Stakeholder Dialogues

Key Concepts and Competencies for Achieving Common Goals - a practical guide for change agents from public sector, private sector and civil society

Petra Kuenkel, Silvine Gerlach, Vera Frieg

Geistes-, Sozial- & Kulturwissenschaften


11,8 MB

DRM: Wasserzeichen

ISBN-13: 9783848286133

Verlag: BoD - Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 22.03.2013

Sprache: Englisch

27,99 €

inkl. MwSt.

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Working towards a more sustainable world requires bringing together differing world-views and balancing conflicts of interests for responsible business, people-oriented public service and a strong civil society.

Stakeholder Dialogues are a methodology for the design and implementation of consultation and cooperation processes that are built on the inclusion and integration of different interest groups.

Such a collaborative approach requires new competencies for globally and locally responsible leaders. It calls for conscious leadership in integrating differences in cultures, interests and goals.

With a well-structured approach Stakeholder Dialogues lead to practical outcomes that could not have been achieved otherwise and that can be implemented more easily because all stakeholders involved experience a higher degree of ownership. High-quality Stakeholder Dialogues create a climate of trust, commitment and collective intelligence.

Based on the Collective Leadership Institute’s 5 years of experience in process support and capacity building, the practical guide Working with Stakeholder Dialogues supports you in planning, implementing and evaluating successful and result-oriented consultation and cooperation between different stakeholders.
Petra Kuenkel

Petra Kuenkel

Fondatrice et Directrice du Collective Leadership Institute est psychologue industriel de formation. Elle dispose d'une très vaste expèrience de consulting en matière de processus de changements complexes au niveau international et en particulier pour ce qui concernce partenariats intersectoriels et les Dialogues entre Parties Prenantes.

Silvine Gerlach

Silvine Gerlach

Elle est experte en Dialogue entre Parties Prenantes, partenariats stratégiques ainsi que la coopération intra-secteurs dans le cadre de la coopération au développement. Elle est consultante en organisation systémique accréditée. Elle est actuellement consultante indépendante en coopération intersectorielle.

Vera Frieg

Vera Frieg

Elle est titulaire d'un certificat de consultant en paix et conflit de l'Acadèmie pour la transformation de conflits à Bonn (Allemagne) et a complété sa maîtrise en Études Européennes à l'Université de Maastricht (Pays Bas), avec une spécialisation en coopération au développement et en relations internationales.

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