Why was it destined to Moses to see the promised land after the forty-year desert migration, but not to enter it?
15 essays and considerations
Contents Wy Moses was not allowed to enter the promised land Perspective Galileo's telescope Kamokha und Categorical imperative Categorical imperative and the support of deathpenalty Iteration and Descartes proof of existence Identity and Homeopathy They shall be like fish The mirroring How the universals became to mass production The ides of march
Born 1956 - from 1974 studied free painting and free graphics in Cologne with Karl Marx and Pravoslav Sovak -
1978 encounter with the Munich Rhythmenlehre, from 1983 seminars with Wolfgang Döbereiner - seminar activity to art history and astrology - 1984-1990 lecturer at the Cologne FH for art & design, seminars for drawing as development of seeing - painter, sculptor, author - astrological consultations and seminars, essays.
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