
Wakes of Joy


Diana Button

Klassiker & Lyrik


140 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783769389753

Verlag: BoD - Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 19.03.2025

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: spiritual poetry, Self-Inquiry, Presence & Gangaji, Surrender & Letting Go, Awakening & Joy

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"Wakes of Joy" is a lyrical meditation on presence, surrender, and joy - an ode to the miracle of being alive. Inspired by the teachings of Gangaji and rooted in the silence of Ramana Maharshi, these poems explore the ripples of insight that arise from stillness, much like the wake left behind in water - evidence of movement, yet ultimately dissolving into vastness.

Through vivid and tender reflections, this collection invites the reader to pause, notice, and celebrate - to find wonder in the warmth of sunlight, the song of birds, the cool hush of dawn.

More than just a personal journey, "Wakes of Joy" pulses with the shared experience of all of us. These poems are offered in the hope of awakening a quiet recognition - a remembering of joy, always present, always waiting to be seen.
Diana Button

Diana Button

Diana Button is a poet and author whose work delves beneath the surface of what it means to be human. With a touch that is at once playful and profound, childlike and wise, her writing invites readers to say yes to life and discover the depth of their own unique nature. At the heart of her work lies the fundamental question: Who am I?

She is the author of "From Pen (elope) with Love xxx" (2020), a collection of poetry and prose, and "Marrying It All", a novel (2003). Her poetry has also been featured in the anthologies "Writing from a Small Country" and "D'Waasser am Mond" (2004)

Residing in Germany with her husband of thirty-five years, Diana draws inspiration from the natural world, the voices of Rumi, Hafiz, and Kahlil Gibran, and the teachings of Gangaji and Papaji - wisdom passed down through the lineage of awakening and self-inquiry from Ramana Maharshi.

Rooted in silence, these teachings call her to rest in the unbroken stillness of being, reminding her to release striving, shed illusions, and uncover joy - not as an experience, but as her - as our - true essence and birthright.

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