Use of the SOLID principles with the IEC 61131-3

Use of the SOLID principles with the IEC 61131-3

5 Principles for Object-Oriented Software Design in the PLC Programming

Stefan Henneken

Industrie & Technik


2,9 MB

DRM: Wasserzeichen

ISBN-13: 9783758356148

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 20.12.2023

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: Solid, IEC 61131-3, TwinCAT, object-oriented software development, PLC

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Mehr Infos
SOLID principles are an essential part of object-oriented software development and have proven to be valuable tools for developing clean, maintainable and extensible code. In industrial automation engineering, especially in programming controllers with IEC 61131-3, it is of particular importance to develop robust and reliable systems.
In this book, SOLID principles are presented in detail and explained with examples in IEC 61131-3. It also illustrates how the application of these principles improves the maintainability, extensibility, and reliability of software systems.
In addition to the SOLID principles, the principles KISS, DRY, LoD and YAGNI are also presented. These do not belong to the group of SOLID principles, but they are a helpful addition.
Stefan Henneken

Stefan Henneken

Stefan Henneken has been working in the field of automation technology as a software developer for many years. His main focus is programming with C# and IEC 61131-3. Since 2010 Stefan Henneken runs his blog at, which contains more articles about the topic of software development.


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