Whoever delves into the lives of L and S, who achieved something in Dorthrin and the earth, is struck once more by the lives of their children "their Halflings" and new demonic enemies and divine friends, that with their power to heal children it wasn't a lack, to bend it into magical quality. The deeper demons sank, the higher the children of L and S could rise. They have never heard from their raisers about the crime that S and L committed, that they themselves could commit. They knew how to conjure the appealing versatility of their criminal possibilities into a peacock's tail of their great oeuvre. They were living in vain. And they were young adults
Marlies van den Boek, M.B van den Broek (born in Kenya; December 1986) is a former ballerina who became a writer. She grew up nearby Stone Town in Zanzibar and was raised spending most of her time in Rock City and Dar es Salaam. Once her parents decided to make the big move to Europe, she continued dancing into more disciplines than ballet and swimming. She has lived a great part of her life in Paris. In Paris is where it all started and she received a contract to release her writings. She is an author of romance "Beyond Unconditional Love", the most successful book. She now releases a following on "Beyond Unconditional Love" named "Unconditional Secrets Beyond Love". It's a wonder that Marlies could still write. Writing a following to her earlier book, which has been preserved from her to start with "Unconditional Secrets Beyond Love"". She created imperishable figures and is the writer of both books.
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