Schlagworte: Breast augmentation surgery, Brustvergrößerung Brustimplantate, Liposuction Fettabsaugung, Breast Implant Illness, Breast cancer, Cosmetic procedures
Why we wrote this book: It's a lot easier to overcome some hurdles with a book, especially if you want to establish yourself as an expert on a particular subject. Nowadays, the ideal of beauty on social networks is so strong that everyone wants to look like everyone else at all costs: flawless, smooth, glowing, just "perfect." Nothing has become as difficult as standing out from the crowd. Uniqueness and authenticity are being replaced in some places by unrealistic standards of beauty. Nowadays, a book is something like a filter between the media world and reality, a way out of the information overload, according to the motto that anyone who manages to fill an entire book with his or her knowledge is quickly perceived by others as an expert. Of course, writing a book is a lot of work and doesn't happen overnight, but the topic of breast implants is so one-sidedly "wonderful" in the media and actually so "dangerous" that we would like to take the time to address it. Breast implants are described by manufacturers and most plastic surgeons as highly innovative to extremely safe and comfortable. On the one hand, breast implants are perfectly tailored to the needs of beauty standards, but on the other hand, the nature of the implants 9 puts a constant strain on the immune system. Anyone with breast implants is carrying a 'time bomb.' We have experienced this firsthand, as have hundreds of thousands of women around the world. So what exactly is behind the product "breast implant"? Beauty craze, business, ignorance, greed? Or is it a business with a deep desire for recognition and love? .....
Tamara Demontis, 48 years Is a multiple entrepreneur with an imperfect but charming Italian-German language mix. She is close to nature and describes herself as a full-blooded Italian and passionate "Mamma". In 2019, she lost both breasts due to illness. After the mastectomy, she fell ill with the breast implants due to extreme silicone bleeding. Her breast was severely disfigured. After a two-year ordeal that can hardly be put into words, thanks to the support of another affected person and a very experienced, empathetic doctor, she succeed in having a well-shaped breast again. The author has successfully fought her way back up in all areas of life.
Birgit Schäfers, 57 years has been living in Sweden with her husband, two cats and two dogs since May 2022. She is the founder of the German-speaking group on breast implant diseases, which now has over 5,700 women. Initiator and founder of the non-profit and charitable association Krank durch Brustimplantate - Wir helfen e.V. Mrs. Schäfers has suffered from various forms of eating disorders since childhood. After losing a lot of weight, she had silicone implants inserted in 2010. Ill since about 2014 and now severely disabled by breast implants. The association she founded offers explantation support in German and English and has been actively involved in improving patient information on breast implants since 2018 and is known for its active public relations work.
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