Tipping Point 2029

Tipping Point 2029

A Play on Climate Change

Werner Mittelstaedt, Wolf Heidecker

Science Fiction & Fantasy


186,1 KB

DRM: Wasserzeichen

ISBN-13: 9783756290666

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 13.07.2022

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: Climate change, A Play on Climate Change, Sustainable Devepolment, Climate disaster, TalkShow

4,49 €

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Mehr Infos
2029 - for many years Australia has experienced the devastating consequences of global warming.
A life discussion in an European TV show created worldwide panic - for the first time it was officially announced that the earth has reached the 'Tipping Point', the point of no return in the destruction of the environment. Climate change with a non-reversible perspective.
An Australian TV-station has invited nationally reknowned personalities to calm the situation by informing the population about the "facts" and "data" instead of spreading fear and innuendo. It is accomplished TV-Presenter Bettina Roland's job to get the most positive outlook into the future from her discussion.
Get an intriguing look behind the scenes of this TV production that has no precedence, the tensions and blunt truth of a panel discussion recorded and not live streamed for a reason ...

Is that the future - our future?
Werner Mittelstaedt

Werner Mittelstaedt

Werner Mittelstaedt has been active as an author, critical futurologist and future philosopher since the 1970s. He was the initiator and chairman of the Gesellschaft für Zukunftsmodelle und Systemkritik e.V. (GZS), which was founded in March 1977 and dissolved in August 2007. The GZS was active in the field of critical futures research and helped shape the German futures research scene. He is also the founder and editor of the journal BLICKPUNKT ZUKUNFT, which has been published since 1981 and is one of the oldest journals in the Germanspeaking world with a thematic focus on futures research and design. He is a founding member of the Netzwerk Zukunftsforschung (Future Research Network), which was established in 2007. Furthermore, Werner Mittelstaedt is the author of eleven social science, philosophical and popular science books that deal with the crises and future issues of global society and in which approaches to solutions are presented. He has also published a novel about climate change and well over 200 publications in books, magazines and on the internet.

Website: www.werner-mittelstaedt.com

Website: www.werner-mittelstaedt.com

Wolf Heidecker

Wolf Heidecker

Wolf Heidecker is a trained performing artist/director and business manager who spent half of his professional career in the German arts industry as Admin and PR-officer, Tour Manager, Artistic Director and Chief Executive Officer/General Manager with several German opera and theatre companies. In Australia he has been working with the Queensland Philharmonic Orchestra, managing the Flying Fruit Fly Circus and the Wyndham Cultural Centre before becoming an independent theatre producer and director. He is also a Behavioural & Communications Analyst (Dr/USA), expertise and experiences that contribute to his artistic work.
Since 2001 based in Melbourne he produced and/or directed original Australian plays primarily with political and social justice topics as well as relevant musicals, shown at La Mama, fortyfivedownstairs, Wyndham Arts Centre, FCAC (Foot-scray), Theatreworks, Butterfly Club, The Potato Shed, and many other local and Victorian venues on tour. With the play Black Box 149 in 2017 Wolf initiated the first production of a play by an Australian playwright (Rosemary Johns) translated into German at the prestigious State Theatre Nuremberg/Germany.
With the support of the Australian Government Department of Social Services his production company WHAM in May 2021 realized a national tour of Bernard Clancy's play about PTSD Foxholes of the Mind.

Website: wolfsperformingartsmanagement.com

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