thoughts collide. Life is a Story -

thoughts collide. Life is a Story -

oona schaunigg

Film, Kunst & Kultur


68 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783710863660

Verlag: publishing

Erscheinungsdatum: 28.06.2023

Sprache: Englisch

18,00 €

inkl. MwSt. / portofrei

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Mehr Infos
This is simply a collection of my thoughts.
To understand them you sometimes have to let them go.
Maybe someone out there could like what I wrote or relate to it.
(I hope)
What you'll get out of reading this book? I can't promise you anything but reading something you relate to, helps.
(I can't promise you'll relate tho)
oona schaunigg

oona schaunigg

I'm a seventeen year old austrian girl that is kinda in love with writing, talking, reading, ... in english.
So that's what I did
I wrote my thoughts and tried to make them sound nice
Didn't always work
I know I still have a pretty bad lack of words and I'm working on improving that
Maybe that'll help me form more appealing quotes...
I'll keep going
Yeaah and I don't know what else to tell you...
Choose love *thumbs up*

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