The Uncommon Sense Guide to 1030 Wien

The Uncommon Sense Guide to 1030 Wien

Social Design Reader 5

Eleni Boutsika Palles, Matilde Igual Capdevila

Band 5: Social Design Reader

Gesellschaft, Politik & Medien


154 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783754310786

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 25.06.2021

Sprache: Deutsch

Schlagworte: Vienna, guidebook, urban, Fiction, Social Design

14,99 €

inkl. MwSt. / portofrei

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The Uncommon Sense Guidebook to 1030 Wien takes the format of a conventional city guide to explore fictions and realities of the third district of Vienna.
The guide presents a series of poetical journeys. It is a collective undertaking of finding and developing new ways of getting lost in a familiar urban landscape, of absorbing a city without consuming it, of expressing ones right to the city, and not implying that a city would be a commodity available to some and not to others.
Developed during the pandemic within the frame of a semester-long workshop by students of the Social Design masters program at the University for Applied Arts Vienna the book is the fifth issue of the Social Readers collection.
Eleni Boutsika Palles

Eleni Boutsika Palles

Eleni Boutsika Palles is an architect and artist from Greece. She holds a Diploma in Architecture from the NTU Athens and a Diploma in Scenography from the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna.
She attended the Art & Science masters degree programme at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna and is currently teaching at the department of Architectural Theory at the
University of Innsbruck, while working on her PhD research. She has worked in the fields of (landscape) architecture, theatre and film, developing a passion for environments that
engage the viewer both physically and psychically and encourage shifts in consciousness. Since 2018 she works as a co-editor of the magazine ADATO.

Matilde Igual Capdevila

Matilde Igual Capdevila

Matilde Igual Capdevila is an architect and artist from Spain.
She is a PhD candidate at the Academy of Fine Arts. She graduated in Architecture in Valencia and studied at the Art & Science masters degree programme at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna.She has taught at the University for Applied Arts Vienna and at the University of Liechtenstein and tutored several architecture workshops in both academic and non-academic settings.In 2018 she founded the Institute for Linear Research, a platform for investigating contemporary landscapes by walking.

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