The Sweet Cheat Gone

The Sweet Cheat Gone

Marcel Proust

Klassiker & Lyrik


527,7 KB

DRM: Wasserzeichen

ISBN-13: 9783748139393

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 13.12.2018

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: In Search of Lost Time, Classic fiction, classic

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"Mademoiselle Albertine has gone!" How much farther does anguish penetrate in psychology than psychology itself! A moment ago, as I lay analysing my feelings, I had supposed that this separation without a final meeting was precisely what I wished, and, as I compared the mediocrity of the pleasures that Albertine afforded me with the richness of the desires which she prevented me from realising, had felt that I was being subtle, had concluded that I did not wish to see her again, that I no longer loved her. But now these words: "Mademoiselle Albertine has gone!" had expressed themselves in my heart in the form of an anguish so keen that I would not be able to endure it for any length of time. And so what I had supposed to mean nothing to me was the only thing in my whole life. How ignorant we are of ourselves. The first thing to be done was to make my anguish cease at once. Tender towards myself as my mother had been towards my dying grandmother, I said to myself with that anxiety which we feel to prevent a person whom we love from suffering: "Be patient for just a moment, we shall find something to take the pain away, don't fret, we are not going to allow you to suffer like this."
Marcel Proust

Marcel Proust

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