The Sin That Was His

The Sin That Was His

Frank L. Packard



588,5 KB

DRM: Wasserzeichen

ISBN-13: 9783749451678

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 09.04.2019

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: Romantic, psychological fiction

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OF Arthur Leroy, commonly known throughout the Yukon as Three-Ace Artie, Ton-Nugget Camp knew a good deal-and equally knew very little. He had drifted in casually one day, and, evidently finding the environment remuneratively to his liking, had stayed. He was a bird of passage-tarrying perhaps for the spring clean-up.
He was not exactly elegant in his apparel, for the conditions of an out-post mining camp did not lend themselves to elegance; but he was immeasurably the best dressed and most scrupulously groomed man that side of Dawson. His hands, for instance, were very soft and white; but then, he did no work-that is, of a nature to impair their nicety.
His name was somewhat confusing. It might be either French or English, according to the twist that was given to its pronunciation-and Three-Ace Artie could give it either twist with equal facility. He confessed to being a Canadian-which was the only confession of any nature whatsoever that Three-Ace Artie had ever been known to make. He spoke English in a manner that left no doubt in the world but that it was his native language-except in the mind of Canuck John, the only French Canadian in the camp, who was equally positive that in the person of Three-Ace Artie he had unquestionably found a compatriot born to the French tongue.
Frank L. Packard

Frank L. Packard

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