The Second  Bride. Life is a Story -

The Second Bride. Life is a Story -

Daniela Oliva

Romane & Erzählungen


72 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783710842238

Verlag: publishing

Erscheinungsdatum: 31.08.2023

Sprache: Deutsch, Englisch

18,00 €

inkl. MwSt. / portofrei

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One second can turn into a lifetime. Yadis never knew her life would change so much after a simple night with her lover. She now has to hurry to cover the mistakes of her affairs with the next willing man she can find.

There is no turning back the time, but carry on with the mistakes of our past.
Daniela Oliva

Daniela Oliva

Daniela Oliva is a young writer from Venezuela who is always coming up with new interesting plots and ideas to intrigue the reader's mind. Join her in her first book to discover more about her talent and passion.

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