The Root of the Evil

The Root of the Evil

Episode I The lost Kingdoms

André Raguse

Science Fiction & Fantasy


240 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783944909349

Verlag: BuS

Erscheinungsdatum: 03.02.2025

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: Fantasie, shapeshifter, giants, Tension, Dwarves

24,99 €

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There is nothing worse than being seduced - unknowingly - by an
unknown force. Man and every other living being always seeks to
live in harmony and joy with other beings. Not knowing that you
have an enemy means not resisting. This story may or may not be
based on a true story. It is set in a time when giants and dwarves
still existed. Like every story, it is about virtue, honor, courage, fear
and hope. There are one or more heroes, helpers, villains, cunning
and deception. And, of course, the most important thing is love.
It was a wild, but also healthy time in which anything was possible.
André Raguse

André Raguse

André Raguse, father of five children and two grandchildren, was born in Berlin in April 1958. He is a passionate author and martial artist

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