The starting point of these investigations is the dark gas, which makes the previously often used terms 'dark matter' and 'dark energy' obsolete. The dark gas fills the space between the compact bodies (galaxies, stars, planets, molecules, atoms, electrons, etc.), but also the space that lies, for example, between the atomic nucleus and the aggregation diameter of the atom. It is a gas that cannot condense or solidify and is referred to as a 'perfect gas' because the specific heat capacities do not depend on the temperature. The dark gas assumes the temperature, pressure and translational velocity of its immediate particle-determined environment. This dark gas can be used to describe the temperature that determines both the evacuation process of molecular gas and the outer space temperature (measured as the microwave background radiation of space). The dark gas is a continuum that does not contain any compact particles itself, but completely takes on certain properties of state behavior that have previously been explained by particles of the molecular gas through motion structures. It is therefore a continuous matter whose properties take on the structural functions of the particles and the field functions of the physical processes through its rotational-oscillatory motion structures of characteristic geometric body shapes (oloid, dumbbell ring, circular ring, sphere and point). The dark gas is not subject to gravity because it does not consist of compact particles. It is interaction-free and inert, but transmits gravitational effects among other properties. There is an interaction (modulation) between energy and force radiation of the stars, which propagates with wave velovities greater than the speed of light, and which includes wave propagation at the speed of light, i.e., the well-known electromagnetic energy radiation, as a special case. It is shown that these properties allow the physical constants to be calculated with arbitrary accuracy, because, although the technical measurement-based irremovable accuracy barrier exists due to the relative support of the physical constants, this is no obstacle to the precise calculation of the physical constants based on the presented concept of the dark gas. We breathe the dark gas in and out with the air molecules, and it fills the cosmos. It is constantly in and around us, but we cannot yet fully understand it.
Gert Naue, born 1934 Highschool graduation (Abitur) in 1953 1953-1958 Studies of mechanical engineering at the Technical Universitx of Dresden 1958 Graduation as engineer (Dipl.-Ing) in the field of aerodynamics 1958-1961 Research student with Prof. Werner Albring 1962 PhD (Dr.-Ing) 1961-1965 Hesd of the Thermodynamics Reasearch Department and Testing Institute for Turbomachinery in Dresden and the Scientific Center for Power Plant Construction in Pirna 1965 Lecturer in fluid mechanics at the Technical University of Leuna-Mersburg 1966 Habilitation at the Technical University of Dresden as Dr.-Ing. habil. 1967-1992 Professor of fluid mechanics at the Technical University of Leuna-Mersburg 1971/1972 Research and lectures at the Siberian branch of the Academy of Scienes of the USSR 1975-1981 Rector of the Technical University of Leuna-Mersburg 1992-1999 Executive at Grossmann & Partner GmbH and Managing Director of GICON GmbH in Dresden
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