The Metro Killer. Life is a Story -

The Metro Killer. Life is a Story -



60 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783710828744

Verlag: publishing

Erscheinungsdatum: 01.09.2023

Sprache: Englisch

18,00 €

inkl. MwSt. / portofrei

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A story about a relentless serial killer who causes panic and terror.

Christine finds herself in the middle of the investigation because of a nightly encounter. The young police officer Jules is feed up with the whole case and the killer just seems to be uncatchable. He leaves little hints but they are unable to track him.

Will they be able to get a hold of this monster before it is to late?


Yes I am the girl behind the beauty in this picture and yes I normally don't take pictures of myself hence why this one is in my introduction. I'm 18 years old soon turning 19. I loved reading since I was a child and still do till this day. Writing wasn't really on my list of things I liked doing when I was in school. I have a writing disorder which makes it harder for me to see certain spelling mistakes. Now I love writing down all the ideas and scenarios that float through my head. I like to draw them too which is a hobby of mine since school. Now with my Matura finished I have a lot of free time which I will spend on writing, drawing and of course doing a job.

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