The Many Selves in Social Structures - Applications to Corporate Strategy, Work-Life Dynamics, and Cross-Class Interactions

The Many Selves in Social Structures - Applications to Corporate Strategy, Work-Life Dynamics, and Cross-Class Interactions

Alejandro Hermida Carrillo

Band 14: Strategic Human Capital Management

Wirtschaft & Management


168 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783947095131

Verlag: Lmu Institut für Personalwirtschaft

Erscheinungsdatum: 23.08.2024

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: Self and Identity, Corporate Strategy, work-home interface, social interaction, social class

29,90 €

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How do identities shape and react to the socio-economic landscape? I draw from paradigms in cultural anthropology, organizational behavior, and sociology to dissect how distinct elements of individual identity inform and transform social interactions within corporate, work-life, and social class structures. In my first study, I provide evidence for the role of similarity and dissimilarity in visual (e.g., age, gender) and psychological (i.e., personality) attributes among CEOs on strategic imitation following underperformance. In the second project, I examine how romantic couples' joint preferences for integration or segmentation of their work and home spheres influence their domestic harmony, zooming into the context of remote work. In the final project, I explore how social class disparities among conversation partners influence the amount and type of information about the self, conveyed during the interaction. I address my projects by combining analytical strategies designed for the study of similarities and differences - e.g., spline regression and response surface analysis - with techniques aimed to capture the complexity of individual identity - e.g., surveys, archival data, and natural language processing. My research bridges theoretical and methodological paradigms in the social sciences, underscoring the multiplicity of the self as a critical nexus for interdisciplinary dialogue.
Alejandro Hermida Carrillo

Alejandro Hermida Carrillo

Dr. Alejandro Hermida Carrillo completed his doctoral studies in Business Administration, with a focus on Organizational Behavior, at the LMU Munich School of Management, Germany, in March 2024. He is interested in how different components of the self - such as personality, attitudes and beliefs - simultaneously shape and react to socio-economic structures. He holds a Licenciatura in Psychology from the UNAM (Mexico), a Master of Science in Economic, Organizational, and Social Psychology from the LMU Munich, and a Master of Business Research, also from the LMU Munich.

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