The Islam Conspiracy

The Islam Conspiracy

Matthias Richter

Krimis & Thriller


220 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783740734749


Erscheinungsdatum: 29.11.2017

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: CIA, Islamic State, Conspiracy, political thriller, Isis

12,99 €

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Mehr Infos
The Islamic State is at the climax of its power. When a German journalist is captured and sentenced to death, the German government sends a so called Jumper, in order to negotiate a ransom. The experienced secret agent Paulsen and his young and motivated partner take on the journey to Mosul and witness things, the Islamic State is not keen on sharing with the world. The meeting with the caliph ahead, they wonder if they can trust the word of the Caliph.

At the same time an attack occurs in Miami committed by an islamist terrorist. The court psychiatrist Adriana Borrero is entrusted with creating an opinion on the suspect. With time she encounters several inconsistencies in his story. She starts to investigate with a police friend of hers and soon discovers that the Islamic State is an invention of the CIA, sacrificing countless lives. But can she save the endangered people in time?
Matthias Richter

Matthias Richter

Der Autor ist Jurist im Bereich des internationalen Rechts und Terrorismusexperte. Das Phänomen des sogenannten Islamischen Staates hat er von Anfang an intensiv erforscht. Mithilfe der Mutter eines deutschen Dschihadisten hat er im Jahr 2016 Kontakte knüpfen und das Terrornetzwerk in Syrien und Irak besuchen können. Nach dieser Erfahrung hielt er Vorträge zum Thema Rekrutierung und Methoden des IS.

Matthias Richter is a lawyer in the field of international law and expert in the field of terrorism. He was intrigued by the phenomenon and the rise of the Islamic State and did comprehensive research on the topic. He soon got to know a mother of a German Jihadist, who went to Syria. After digging deeper he soon found the opportunity to get a security guarantee and visit the Jihadists in their own territory. After this experience he held lectures about the methods of recruiting of the Islamic State throughout Germany.

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