The I.M.M.U.N.E.-Formula

The I.M.M.U.N.E.-Formula

How to activate your body's natural defenses with the tools of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Gottfried Eckert

Gesundheit, Ernährung & Fitness


92 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783754313923

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 14.07.2021

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: The I.M.M.U.N.E.-Formula, immune system, Natural defenses, TCM, Gottfried Eckert

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Mehr Infos
The I.M.M.U.N.E.-Formula. How to activate your body's natural defenses with the tools of Traditional Chinese Medicine (English edition)

The I.M.M.U.N.E.-Formula has been developed on the basis of distinguished procedures and methods of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It offers an effective, sustainable and practical strategy in modern western systematics and methodology that is suitable for everyday use.

Essential formula components are: Self-massage. QiGong. Nutrition. Herbal medicine. Acupuncture.

All the disciplines mentioned pursue a common agenda, namely the management of the so-called Wei Qi (Defensive Qi). Or in western terms: the activation and strengthening of the body's natural defenses against pathogenic, disease causing influences and factors.

The I.M.M.U.N.E.-Formula literally constitutes and stages itself as a self-fulfilling prophecy: interdisciplinary, multimodal, multivalent, universal, natural, energetic.

Keywords: The I.M.M.U.N.E.-Formula. Immune hacking. Immune system. Natural defenses. Wei Qi. Defensive Qi. Traditional Chinese Medicine. TCM. Acupuncture. Nutrition. Herbal medicine. QiGong. Chan meditation. Massage. Self-empowerment. Life Management. Gottfried Eckert

Book title: The I.M.M.U.N.E.-Formula. How to activate your body's natural defenses with the tools of Traditional Chinese Medicine (English edition), Original title: Die I.M.M.U.N.-Formel. Wie du die natürlichen Abwehrkräfte deines Körpers mit den Mitteln der Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin aktivierst (translated from German into English), Author: Gottfried Eckert, Production and Publisher: BoD - Books on Demand, Norderstedt, ISBN: 9783754313923, Paper-back, 92 pages, b/w, 21,0 x 14,8 cm, Euro 6,00 [D] Book price in Germany
Gottfried Eckert

Gottfried Eckert

Gottfried Eckert (born 1966) is an expert in health promotion and management. He heads the Institut für berufliche Bildung, Gesundheit und Soziales.


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