Every one knows that heartbreaks can be a cruel thing. There are times when you simply want to disappear, forget the world, the everyday rush and cope with your loss. Here at Hotel Heartbreak you are allowed to do all of that. It gives you the time and place to feel so you can be the most heartbroken version of yourself.
But most importantly it shows you that you are not alone and that it doesnt matter how long you are staying, because there is no quick fix for heartbreaks as long as we are ignoring our own pain.
So I warmly welcome you to Hotel Heartbreak, whether you are freshly arriving, currently staying or getting breakfast and thinking about checking out.
Kurz gefasst bin ich ein Mensch in den 20ern, der versucht die prägenden Ereignisse des Lebens in einen, für mich sinnvollen und dadurch poetischen Rahmen zu ordnen.
Und wenn sich durch dieses Buch zumindest eine einzige Person, für einen kurzen Moment nicht mehr so einsam fühlt, nehme ich das Leiden liebend gerne in Kauf.
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