The Chronicles of Balefire: Aldwin Goldbridge. Life is a Story -

The Chronicles of Balefire: Aldwin Goldbridge. Life is a Story -

Ioannis Argyropoulos


76 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783710851933

Verlag: publishing

Erscheinungsdatum: 19.08.2023

Sprache: Englisch

18,00 €

inkl. MwSt. / portofrei

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London, England 1515. Aldwin Goldbridge of the esteemed house of Goldbridge has discovered hidden information about the awaited Grand Magister of England. Prince Aldrich Gringold threatens the peace and prosperity of all Mages in London and to ensure its safety, Aldwin, amongst his staunchest friend and ally, Belmont Greyclokke of the Greyclokke will have to confront him and his prestige soldiers, the Red Supremacists.
Ioannis Argyropoulos

Ioannis Argyropoulos

My name is Ioannis Argyropoulos, a 20-year-old amateur author from Greece who lives in Germany. I love fantasy, and I have chosen to show my affinity for writing and fantasy through my small stories, and eventually through a book series that I am preparing. If you wish to support me then follow me on my new instagram page: fantasticreality

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