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The Art of being myself
My life journey from behind the iron curtain into the wilderness of the Yukon
Reiseberichte & Reiseliteratur
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ISBN-13: 9783769395877
Verlag: BoD - Books on Demand
Erscheinungsdatum: 28.01.2025
Sprache: Englisch
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9,99 €
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Mehr InfosEnter the contemplative pages of "The Art of being myself"
... a true journey that delicately navigates the nuanced life of Holly. From a colourful but restricted childhood behind the iron curtain of East Germany to the tranquil vastness of Yukon's wilderness, this memoir carries a weight of authenticity. Holly's odyssey unfolds, transitioning from a spirited youth in competitive ski jumping to the solemn duties as a soldier during the dramatic fall of the Berlin Wall. The narrative gently leads you to the wildest chapter. A self reflective and very brave river journey into the deepest heart of Yukons wilderness, the Klondike. A trip that changed everything again. "The Art of being myself " whispers a profound tale of resilience and inner growth, each chapter echoing with the gravity of a life lived with purpose and the gentleness of doubt.
... a true journey that delicately navigates the nuanced life of Holly. From a colourful but restricted childhood behind the iron curtain of East Germany to the tranquil vastness of Yukon's wilderness, this memoir carries a weight of authenticity. Holly's odyssey unfolds, transitioning from a spirited youth in competitive ski jumping to the solemn duties as a soldier during the dramatic fall of the Berlin Wall. The narrative gently leads you to the wildest chapter. A self reflective and very brave river journey into the deepest heart of Yukons wilderness, the Klondike. A trip that changed everything again. "The Art of being myself " whispers a profound tale of resilience and inner growth, each chapter echoing with the gravity of a life lived with purpose and the gentleness of doubt.
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