The Anglican Rosary

The Anglican Rosary

Prayer Book

F. Haas (Hrsg.)

Spiritualität & Esoterik


68 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783945233078

Verlag: St. Alcuin Of York Anglican Publishers

Erscheinungsdatum: 20.03.2017

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: Anglican Rosary, Prayer Beads, Contemplative Prayer, Rosary, Prayer Book

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Mehr Infos
From the beginning of the Church prayer has been a central part of Christian living and Church life. Praying with beads is a very simple way of finding a rhythm and creating space for personal prayer, wherever you are. The Anglican rosary is inspired by the traditional rosary but is more flexible and adaptable to the seasons of the Church calendar. This is a helpful way of praying that can lead you into reflection on your personal journey through the year. Praying with the Anglican Prayer Beads resembles a very short form of the office, Introductory Rite, Psalm verses, Gospel verses, Prayers, Collect, the Lords Prayer, Conclusion.

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F. Haas

F. Haas (Hrsg.)

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