The 88 Temples of Shikoku

The 88 Temples of Shikoku

Pilgrimage Guidebook

Oliver Dunskus

Spiritualität & Esoterik


248 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783758388071

Verlag: BoD - Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 25.03.2024

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: Shikoku, Pilgrimage, Japan, Buddhismus, travel

22,20 €

inkl. MwSt. / portofrei

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Mehr Infos
This guidebook has been written for travelers and pilgrims who intend to visit some of the the 88 temples of Shikoku, or maybe even plan to walk the entire pilgrimage.

In addition to the history of the temples, it covers in detail the routes between the temples and provides additional information on how to organize the pilgrimage and adds cultural and historic background.

In addition to this guidebook, there are also supplements available for easier planning of the pilgrimage on foot, by bicycle or by public transportation.
Oliver Dunskus

Oliver Dunskus

Oliver Dunskus, born 1962 in Paris, spent several years of his childhood in Japan. After returning to Japan on numerous business trips, he finally traveled to Japan in 2005 intending to discover the remote and ancient places in Shikoku. Soon this fascination about the Shikoku pilgrimage turned into a passion, his first pilgrimage guidebook in German was published in 2018.

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