Suspicion. Life is a Story -

Suspicion. Life is a Story -

Frieda von Dollen


80 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783710893117

Verlag: publishing

Erscheinungsdatum: 26.08.2023

Sprache: Englisch

18,00 €

inkl. MwSt. / portofrei

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Chester is in his late twenties, works as a detective and lives in London with forensic scientist Archie. Although still emotionally scarred by his childhood, his life is going well until one night out and the next day's case throw his whole life out of balance. Forced to face painful memories and doubt themselves, Chester and Archie try to find out the real truth and solve the most important case of their whole lives.
Frieda von Dollen

Frieda von Dollen

My name is Frieda and I grew up near the north
German coast. The first book I wrote was a spin-off to
my favourite children's book, "Snöfrid aus dem
Wiesental", which I handwrote with a pink felt-tip pen.
Since then, my writing has matured with me and brought
me to where I am now. What hasn't changed, however, is
my dream of becoming an author and being able to make
people happy with my writing.
I am therefore very grateful to be able to publish
my third novel as part of the "Young Storyteller
This book has been written with the help of a lot of Hozier's music, coffee and my
very encouraging friends. Thank you.

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