Stone Age without Stones

Stone Age without Stones

The Early Neolithic site of Bucova Pusta IV in northwestern Banat (Romania)

Raiko Krauß (Hrsg.), Dan Ciobotaru (Hrsg.)

Band 1: Archaeology in Banat

Geschichte & Biografien


544 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783989450073

Verlag: Tübingen Library Publishing

Erscheinungsdatum: 21.10.2024

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: Neolithic, copper age, Late Bronze Age, Equestrian Nomads, Early Iron Age

206,85 €

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Mehr Infos
This volume deals with the results of the excavations from 2010 to 2015 at the Early Neolithic settlement of Bucova Pusta IV near Sânnicolau Mare, in northern Banat. After the end of the Early Neolithic settlement, a large burial mound was erected at this site in the early 3rd millennium BC, the main burial of which was also documented during the excavations. The site was subsequently inhabited once again during the transition from the Late Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age. In medieval times, the site served as a burial ground for a nomadic equestrian population. The flat landscape of northern Banat is characterised by numerous watercourses. This is why the utilisation of aquatic resources played an important role in the Neolithic period. Another special feature is the lack of natural stones, which is reflected in the special character of the Early Neolithic finds.

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Raiko Krauß

Raiko Krauß (Hrsg.)

Dan Ciobotaru

Dan Ciobotaru (Hrsg.)

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