Stars I Counted With You. Life is a Story -

Stars I Counted With You. Life is a Story -

Parnian Keywani


60 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783710839566

Verlag: publishing

Erscheinungsdatum: 01.09.2023

Sprache: Englisch

18,00 €

inkl. MwSt. / portofrei

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Every time I see a shooting star, I make a wish. I wish upon a star for the same reason I wish at 18:18, birthday candles, and dandelions. Most times when people make wishes, it is to feel happy and be successful. So far, I made my wishes about them. To have a good time together, to be loved, to not get hurt. The truth is we will get hurt eventually. Making wishes is a reminder of what our hearts truly want. My heart always wanted them. We were lying on the ground, looking at the sky and counting stars. I thought the universe was listening to me and would make those wishes come true. But why do we make those wishes when the actual wish is ourselves? With every person I counted stars, I learned a lesson. The stars are my lessons I want to give to the world. Do not make your wishes about them. This life is about you, your heart, your soul, your peace. This book is a guide for you on your way to healing, finding happiness, and falling in love with life.
Parnian Keywani

Parnian Keywani

Parnian Keywani, born in Iran and raised in Germany, studies psychology in the Netherlands with the intention of helping people find happiness in life. After her first heartbreak, she found herself in poetry and began writing about her own feelings, wishes, and lessons. Differences are not scary; they are interesting facets of a person's individual story. And she is proud of her story and the person she is now. One of her life mottos is "Life is too short to waste a second", and this is exactly what she wants to show the world.

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