In the heart of the French countryside, an ancient Château stands shrouded in silence and mystery. Once vibrant and alive, the Château now echoes with the presence of Lord Harrington, a ghost trapped by a curse from his past, condemned to an eternal, solitary existence.
Everything changes when a family of five, Emma, Harriet, and Paul - along with their parents moves in, breathing fresh life into the Château. Their arrival stirs up long-buried stories and forgotten tales. Emmas inquisitive nature, Harriets vivid dreams, and Pauls courageous spirit lead them to uncover hidden truths within the Châteaus walls.
As the siblings explore further, they discover clues that might break the curse and free Lord Harrington. Their adventure shows how good and evil dance through our lives, shaping our destinies and how the twists of fate can transform our natures. With neighbours plotting against them, they must race against time to protect their new home and solve the mysteries.
My name is Eve Pokrass. I was born on June 18, 2009, in Geneva, Switzerland. Im British and currently live in Düsseldorf, Germany, where I go to Goethe Gymnasium and am in the 10th grade. I speak English, German, and Macedonian, and Im learning French.
Writing is my passion. I especially love writing poems, childrens books, and fiction. Ive also written articles for the school newspaper. I practice ballet and I play the piano.
Im excited to present my latest book Spirit of the Château, for you to read. My inspiration for this story comes from spending many holidays in an old château in the French countryside, where ghosts were a common topic. I found the idea of ghosts fascinating, especially the belief that they cant move on until theyre forgiven. I think this connects to how we often feel stuck by our own mistakes until we make things right and act responsibly.
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