Travel doesn't enlighten your mind until it touches your soul. Nele Kintrup
Nele shares the deep wisdom she has encountered while traveling. Every chapter starts with a simple word and unwinds into pure emotion.
The unique mix of profound introspection, inspired by deeply honest conversations with herself, and elevating hope let you float on calming oceans waves and push you through raging rivers.
Never spoken words are released into the wild, because that's where she went. Into the wildest parts within herself, surrounded by the astonishing beauty of nature.
Even though you were not there with her, you will get a taste of what her trips must've been like, if that's what she brought back as souvenirs.
Nele Kintrup is 21 years old and was born June 16th in 2003 near Graz, Austria. During the last three years she has discovered that her creativity flows best when she's on the road. It's only one of the reason for why she decided to take a path outside of society's norms.
She has realised that at this moment in time, the world serves as her best teacher. She's travelled over 15 countries on three different continents, completed a Yoga Teacher Training in January 2024 and describes herself as a modern hippie.
Expressing herself constantly in a creative way, moving her body intuitively and nourishing her soul with travel, Nele shares the deep knowledge she's gained on her path.
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