South America

South America

Itineraries Investments Highlights 1500 Images 700 Pages

Bernd H. Eckhardt , Cornelia Eckhardt (Hrsg.)



82,0 MB

DRM: Wasserzeichen

ISBN-13: 9783754391990

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 14.09.2021

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: Travel guide, Guide, Itineraries, culture, Investments

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Mehr Infos
Those who are not allowed to, cannot, or do not like to travel and still want to perfect their view of the world need authentic information. As a reading pleasure with pictures and
comprehensible stories. And anyone traveling on an educational, business or vacation trip needs a handy informational companion, whether as a slim paperback or as an e-book on a smartphone. Nowadays, everyone can inform themselves about relevant facts, costs and risks on the relevant pages of search engines, airlines, hotels, rental car and bus companies, as well as the corresponding comparison portals, without any problems and, above all, on a daily basis. Then begins the process of
evaluating, classifying and, as a result, the concept of a
tailor-made travel experience. As long-time author and editor of the last newspaper to appear in print in German in South America, author and editor have spoken on site with politicians, entrepreneurs, cultural figures and, above all, with countless people. The result is the wide-ranging approach presented here, with 1500 images, 700 pages, 13 countries, events, highlights, investments and, above all, 32 itineraries. Starting from Paraguay, author and editor have traveled to the countries of South America to understand what politics is doing to the economy, how cultural conditions are working, whether finances are solid and investments are possible. The impressions, which are constantly updated in the form of travel reports, are underpinned by black-and-white photos, which should make you want to travel there yourself and familiarize yourself with the conditions there. All routes can be combined and can also start from the respective state capital (international airport).
Bernd H. Eckhardt

Bernd H. Eckhardt

Dipl.-Math. Bernd H. Eckhardt is a mathematician born in Wuppertal, Germany. He studied mathematics and law in Göttingen, Germany, and then worked in the insurance industry in Asia and Europe.
Most recently, he was a member of the Management Board of the listed BHW Group (bank, building society, insurance company) for 17 years. At BHW Lebensversicherung AG, BHW Pensionskasse AG, BHW Rückversicherung S.A. and BHW Invest S.a.r.L., he was in charge of investment, mathematics, public relations, human resources, accounting and sales.
Currently, BHW, the former Beamtenheimstättenwerk, civil servants' home loan company, belongs to Postbank, which was taken over by Deutsche Bank.
Today, Bernd H. Eckhardt is the owner of a company that advises institutional investors and wealthy private clients, as well as the owner of the website
and Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of an investment-oriented stock corporation with a holding function.

Cornelia Eckhardt

Cornelia Eckhardt (Hrsg.)

Dipl. oec. troph. Cornelia Eckhardt was born in Bielefeld. After graduating from high school, she studied home economics and nutritional sciences at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University, Bonn, Germany, specializing in nutritional sciences.
Already during her studies she took lectures in specialized journalism.
She completed her studies with a diploma in Oecotrophology. She then worked in a pharmaceutical company, later in a managerial position.
After marriage and the birth of her son, she gave up her profession in favor of her family and became a family manager. She has continued to follow new findings and new trends in nutritional science and has incorporated them into lectures and consultations.

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