Someone saw it after all

Someone saw it after all

Gabriel Erbé

Krimis & Thriller


234 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783757830502

Verlag: BoD - Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 18.10.2023

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: tattoo, piercing, Fetish-thriller, Special jewelry, bondage

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The young, highly successful entrepreneur Sabienné Weberlein is blackmailed by her new private masseur, whose ultimate aim is to obliterate her public persona. One tool he uses for this is jewelry that cannot be taken off.
An intriguing cat-and-mouse game begins. A game where the cunning feline lets its prey run for a brief moment repeatedly.
But Sabienné is not that typical defenseless mouse. She fights back against the masseur with all her energy. And the cat is not always that cunning.
In defending herself, Sabienné receives support from a completely unexpected source. Well, this unexpected source also has a fondness for body adornments.
Gabriel Erbé

Gabriel Erbé

After the German publication, there were some people who complained that I wrote in the first person without explicitly stating that I - Gabriel Erbé - am a man. Therefore, I would like to mention it here as a precaution: I am a man and write from the first-person perspective of the main character when I think that is the best way to tell the story.
In my books, piercings, tattoos, and bondage always appear, but not on every page. After all, I want to tell a story. Characters who enjoy being beaten never appear.

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