Sitcom With Yourself. Life is a Story -

Sitcom With Yourself. Life is a Story -

Akka Zanguj


64 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783710894923

Verlag: publishing

Erscheinungsdatum: 29.08.2023

Sprache: Englisch

18,00 €

inkl. MwSt. / portofrei

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What if your brain was a single giant sitcom? What if your thoughts were nothing but visitors to life's great stage? What if your feelings weren't your own? And what if your darkest times met their comfort?
Feelings are mutual. Every human being feels and every human being suffers since they feel themselves to be alone. This whatsoever is nothing but a half-truth not worth fighting for. Let your thoughts come together, let your feelings discuss themselves in words, wisdom and stupidity. For that you are human. Open your book, take a breath, have a Sitcom With Yourself.
Akka Zanguj

Akka Zanguj

Akka Zanguj was born in 2005 in a small town in Germany. Growing up, she realized that at least one part of her would never grow old: her fantasy.
Trapped in the daily struggles of med school at Heidelberg University, the young author strives to grow a name for herself and a community for all. In addition to poetry, Akka Zanguj writes fiction novels filled with adventure, crime, and twisted minds.
Having many interests at once, she can be found sketching or singing opera when not indulging in stage play or in warm discussions with friends and family.

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