Singing makes you happy. Lucky those who can sing, you might say. Everybody can sing. You don't believe me? Give it a try. Singing is a blessing. All of a sudden, we have a good posture, much better breathing, and a more intense facial expression. Singing is probably the ultimate form of expression for people without using any tools. A beautiful voice gives a whole new dimension to words. Of course, we admire virtuoso instrumentalists, solo dancers, and painters. But when we listen to a beautiful voice, it goes deep into our hearts and we remember it for a very long time, more than anything else. You look after your clothes; you train your body, and you improve your expertise. What about your voice? Make something out of it. Make yourself happy and experience your voice in a new way.
Dr. des. Christin Bonin accomplished her Ph.D. studies under the supervision of Prof. Dr. David Roesner, Institute of Theatre Studies, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, and Prof. Ph.D. David Savran, City University New York. In line with her specialization in musical belting, she wrote her dissertation about the singing voice in musical theatre. Bonin has also earned her Master of Arts degree in musicology, taught vocal technique as a graduated voice teacher, and worked on stage as a professional singer in opera, operetta, jazz, pop, and musical theatre. Her approach from a practical, pedagogical and academic angle in the field of performing arts is unique, especially in its combination with her long experience in both teaching modern repertoire and singing pop and jazz herself.
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