Send out the Dove

Send out the Dove

A poetic drama in three acts

Stanley Mason

Romane & Erzählungen


128 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783905802788

Verlag: Theodor Boder Verlag

Erscheinungsdatum: 07.09.2021

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: Apokalypse, Philosophie, Wissenschaft, Glaube, Theaterstück

12,80 €

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A new perspective for humanity, a thorough discussion of its sad situation from various points of view, including philosophical, religious, scientific and political, and an attempt to find a solution in man himself.

When twelve entirely different people meet on top of Miramar Hill, awaiting the arrival of the new Redeemer, a compelling controversy about what will happen unfolds between them.
The play is an extremely enticing, intelligent and passionate discussion of the thoroughly pacifist author on the existential questions of humanity such as religion, belief, hope, meaning, love, science, war and peace, written in a language full of amusing and accomplished puns and rich in literary, historical, biblical and mythological allusions.
Stanley Mason

Stanley Mason

Stanley Mason was born in the Canadian Rockies in 1917 but grew up in an English mining village. A scholarship took him to Oxford, and a teaching job to Switzerland, where he married and lived until his death in 1997. He worked for many years as a technical translator, then on the editorial staff of an art and design magazine. He has translated numerous books, from steam boiler manuals and glaciological yearbooks to works on Picasso, Constructivism and Yoga. Among others, he published a four-volume course on modern English structures and three books of poetry. The publications by Salzburg University include "A German Treasury", German poetry from 1100 to Rilke with English translations in four volumes, as well a his own collected poems.

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