secrets of the sun

secrets of the sun

Laira Schmitt

Klassiker & Lyrik


210 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783758303937

Verlag: BoD - Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 22.11.2024

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: Poesie, Trauma, Love, new adult, Healing

14,99 €

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Mehr Infos
The book 'secrets of the sun' is a collection of poetry about survival and healing. About the experience of violence, abuse, love and death. It offers insights into the emotional and mental world of those affected.
What is it like to live with trauma and its consequences?

Each section of the book deals with a different pain. Each section heals a different heartache and serves a different purpose.
'secrets of the sun' takes the reader on a journey through the most bitter moments of life and finds the sweetness in them, because there is sweetness everywhere, if you are willing to look.
Laira Schmitt

Laira Schmitt

Laira is a German artist, activist, and writer who began expressing her feelings in words and pictures at the age of 11. Her work revolves around social issues such as family violence, abuse, mental illness, heartbreak and advocates for the weak and disadvantaged in society. Her goal is to use her words to make everyone who reads them feel seen, heard, and understood. She believes that we are all connected and need to take care of each other.

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