Reduce Belly Fat

Reduce Belly Fat

Step By Step Weight Lose With Your Personal Guide For 14-Day-Challenge, Activate Fat Burning And Accelerate Metabolism

Logan J. Davisson

Gesundheit, Ernährung & Fitness


296,8 KB

DRM: Wasserzeichen

ISBN-13: 9783748139195

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 11.12.2018

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: how reduce belly fat fast step by step weight lose, activate fat burning and accelerate metabolis, quick and simple habits to burn belly fat ebook, tips to lose belly fat the natural way guide ebook, rapid weight loos for women perfect health diet

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Reduce Belly Fat: Step By Step Weight Lose With Your Personal Guide For 14-Day-Challenge, Activate Fat Burning And Accelerate Metabolism

Big fat pads on the belly are not very popular: A flat belly corresponds much more to our common ideal of beauty. But there is another important reason why you should not put up with the fat rolls on your stomach. The latest research findings show that a well-filled fat depot in the abdomen constantly releases fatty acids, hormones and even inflammatory substances - and this sets the fatal course for the development of chronic diseases such as diabetes, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases. The remedy is an omega-3 fatty acid rich, anti-inflammatory diet that withdraws the fuel from the abdominal fat. With the numerous suggestions for the varied nutrition tasty suggestions are given. Beyond that further strategies - movement, sport, stress reduction, life-style change - are described, which help to get rid of the dangerous hip gold.
Logan J. Davisson

Logan J. Davisson

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