Reality in Upheaval

Reality in Upheaval

Self Born

Mischa Tassilo Erik Grossmann

Band 5: Realität im Umbruch

Science Fiction & Fantasy


60 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783759729194

Verlag: BoD - Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 08.05.2024

Sprache: Deutsch

Farbe: Nein

26,00 €

inkl. MwSt. / portofrei

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Mehr erfahren
The Story of a man who is in the center of attraction of many. We start the sight of him while smoking a joint and enjoying his live. He doesn't have a clue that he is the self born, and he doesn't know what is coming at him. But when dots above the horizon appear and the sirens call are summoned his live is about to change!
For the better?
We will see....
Mischa Tassilo Erik Grossmann

Mischa Tassilo Erik Grossmann

I'm a swiss Citizen, by now 31 years old and already Retired.

I lived a pretty intense live, suffering through mental illness and many other feats.

Struggling to find my place in this world and listening to the neverending ponderings about my self worth by the voices in my head, i'm still able to find peace and joy.

I've learnt to find things to be happy and glad about even in the darkest alleys. And i want people to get a chance to expand their idea of good and evil. To expand their idea of what is enjoyable and what is too much.

Maybe my stories glow is too intense odd or cringe.

But i've found joy in creating these lines and what i truly hope for is for others to find joy in those too.

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