Portfolios and Investments

Portfolios and Investments

Third Edition

Michael Frömmel

Wirtschaft & Management


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DRM: Wasserzeichen

ISBN-13: 9783732271115

Verlag: BoD - Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 13.11.2013

Sprache: Englisch

37,99 €

inkl. MwSt.

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The book is concerned with the theory of portfolios, as well as with investing in assets and securities and offers a general introduction, rather than a toolbox for making money. It will help its readers to better understand investing.
The book is structured in two parts.
Part I introduces the student into fundamental principles of portfolio theory and investment analysis, such as the Markowitz portfolio selection approach, factor models, basic evaluation techniques and portfolio management.
Part II extends the material to more advanced topics and focuses on inefficient markets, including topics including technical analysis and momentum effects, behavioural finance, bubbles and herding, portfolio management in inefficient markets and market microstructure. followed by an appendix consisting of primers to some econometric approaches.
Michael Frömmel

Michael Frömmel

Michael Frömmel is a Professor of Finance at Ghent University, Belgium, where he is the program director of the Master of Banking and Finance. He worked as a visiting researcher at several central banks and taught at universities in various countries in Europe and Asia. He is (co)author of several books and articles in, inter alia, the Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Markets, the Journal of International Money and Finance, the International Review of Financial Analysis, and the Financial Analysts Journal.

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