Pathways to Friendship

Pathways to Friendship

... A Declaration of Love to Dogs That Hunt

Ulli Reichmann

Freizeit & Hobbys


144 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783748145219

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 11.02.2019

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: Hunting Dogs, dog training, Anti-Hunting Training, Dogs Behavior, Positive dog Training

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Hunting behavior is as much a part of a dog’s personality as is its way of expressing joy, its way of playing, or its way of communicating. Yet this behavior often triggers feelings of helplessness, of lack of understanding or of personal failure in people.

“Why is that so?” asks the author. Without resorting to any means of suppression, giving things up, substitutions or forced behavior, Ulli Reichmann describes a very personal pathway. Through it you can learn to love your dog’s hunting behavior and to even use it as a chance to develop true friendship between you and your dog.

You will be sent on a journey, accentuated with marvelous pictures. By the end of the book, you will probably see your dog with new eyes...

With her "Pathways to Friendship," Ulli Reichmann has launched a movement that ​is receiving a lot of attention, both in Austria and abroad. The number of ​dog trainers choosing to learn the peaceful Ullihunde (Ulli-dog) way as an additional training is growing ​by the day. Far removed from any pack leader stress, the "Ullihunde" method promotes a friendly, enjoyable, relaxed way of handling dogs. After shaking up the German-speaking world, this bestseller is now finally AVAILABLE in ENGLISH.
Ulli Reichmann

Ulli Reichmann

Ulli Reichmann lebt mit ihrer Raupenbande, wie sie ihre drei Dackel(mischlinge) nennt, am Rande des Nationalparks Donauauen und kombiniert ihre Leidenschaften (Hunde und Bücher) seit über dreißig Jahren.
Nach langer Zeit des Lernens und Arbeitens in zwei Hundeschulen, hat sie sich 2013 mit ihrem Projekt "Ullihunde" selbständig gemacht und hat inzwischen durch ihre Philosophie internationale Bekanntheit erlangt.
Sie ist geschieden und hat zwei erwachsene Söhne.

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