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We are now in a different world
Matthias Schrader (Hrsg.), Volker Martens (Hrsg.)Band 03: Edition NFO
136 Seiten
ISBN-13: 9783948580438
Verlag: Next Factory Ottensen
Erscheinungsdatum: 21.02.2020
Sprache: Englisch
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Mehr InfosMatthias Schrader (Hrsg.)
Matthias Schrader is one of Europe's digital pioneers. He founded digital marketing and advertising agency SinnerSchrader in the mid-90s and began to develop e-commerce solutions for startups like Intershop, Ricardo and buecher.de, enabling them to go public earlier than expected. In 1999, SinnerSchrader issued a public offering of its own and was one of only a handful of fledgling companies that survived the so-called "new economy" and actually emerged strengthened by the experience. In 2006, Schrader founded the NEXT Conference which has become the leading symposium for digital transformation in Europe. Today, the author, with his team of more than 500 consultants, designers and software engineers, continues to assist many large DAX index companies to develop cutting-edge digital products. In February 2017, the worldwide management and technology consultancy Accenture announced it was taking a controlling interest in SinnerSchrader for a nine-figure sum.
Volker Martens (Hrsg.)
Volker is a tech enthusiast and an avid networker across the digital business industry in Germany. He is co-founder and CEO of FAKTOR 3 along with Sabine Richter and Stefan Schraps. Since the three partners founded F3 in 1995, the agency is busy bringing the digital idea forward, starting with the rollout of AOL in Germany back then, and shaping the digital communication transformation of companies across various industries today. F3's headway towards digitalization also includes its approach of "Content Relations", a virtuous cycle of storytelling and content distribution backed by genuine, sustainable relations. Today, FAKTOR 3 with its subsidiaries F3 Live, F3 Design and F3 Consulting is one of Germanys top 10 communications agencies and "Agency of the Year 2017" as awarded by The Holmes Report. The agency employs more than 200 communication consultants, industry experts and content creatives. Current clients include Samsung, Adobe, Microsoft, Twitter, Beiersdorf, Porsche, REWE, Velux, STIHL and many more.
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