The pain is breaking me down While my thoughts Are haunting my nights They make me drown But the love in my life Will always bring me back When I go under in my crimes And even if it happens Five times You love me Cause you saw sparks Dance in our hands //
A little poetry book full of emotions. Love, lust, pain, hate, regret, fear, loneliness and even overthinking. All those feelings are in here; so have a few relatable pages.
My name is Maxine. I'm a young adult who's (partly) anonymously sharing her feelings and thoughts in poetry. I am German, but I mostly write in English. I feel like -- as a lesbian -- I can feel love "deeper" because I often need to hide it. Duo my mental health, I generally perceive emotions stronger and deeper than the average person. It helps me a lot to write poetry when my mind is way too full. So my thought for this b was; maybe someone else, even if it's only one person, can find themselves in at least one poem, and relate to it.
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