2020/21- what a time! The idea for this book had already been born in 2019, but some things simply need their time. The title had also already been chosen. That it would turn out that appropriate, I had no idea. I simply followed my gut feeling. My intention was to write a guide that would enable people to understand themselves, their own behaviour and emotions better. And to empower them to take their first steps towards profound changes in their lives. And to be able to enjoy the path instead of being afraid of its challenges. Because it doesn't always need counseling, coaching or therapy to be able to discover interrelations that simply haven't been part of our learning and general awareness. Look forward to meeting your SELF! And if you still want further support, many consultants, coaches, trainers and also therapists are of course also very happy to assist you. There is also a great variety of information and tools available in the world wide web. You will find my resources at www.embracingchange.eu/services
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