On German Foreign and Security Policy –

On German Foreign and Security Policy –

Determinants of German Military Engagement in Africa Since 2011

Michael Hanisch

Gesellschaft, Politik & Medien


348 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783945861202

Verlag: Miles-Verlag

Erscheinungsdatum: 01.10.2015

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: Mali, Security policy, training mission, Bundeswehr, Germany

24,80 €

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Beginning in 2014, high-level German politicians spoke plainly about a more responsible and more substantial German foreign policy—including stronger German (military) contributions and commitments on the African continent. In light of these public statements, three years of mixed policy outcomes have raised questions about the factors that determine Germany’s decision-making on military engagements in Africa (and elsewhere) and the extent to which Germany’s engagement in Africa since 2011 corresponds with Berlin’s desire to take greater responsibility in matters of global security. Anchored in the case studies of Libya and Mali, this volume argues that within a complex interplay of determinants on three inter-related levels, six factors—strategic approaches (if applicable), multilateral imperatives, the mission framework, cultural and conceptual axioms, domestic politics, and policy-makers—chiefly inform Germany’s decision-making process on whether and how German soldiers should be deployed in a certain mission. Based on this matrix of considerations, each such participation must be externally required, politically desired and indispensable, militarily affordable and feasible, and domestically justifiable. This project concludes that it is exactly the interrelated tenets of “empower others,” “being restrained,” and “being responsible” that drive German foreign and security policy and contributed to Germany’s active but modest military engagements in Africa after Libya.
Michael Hanisch

Michael Hanisch

Michael Hanisch, born in 1978, is a General Staff Officer in the German Federal Armed Forces. He graduated from the Helmut-Schmidt-University/University of the Federal Armed Forces in Hamburg in 2003 with a Master of Arts in pedagogy. After assignments as specialist for conceptual development and as company commander, he attended the 7th Joint General and Admiral Staff course at the Command and Leadership College in Hamburg from 2010 till 2012. Before he graduated in National Security Affairs at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey/California, in June 2015, he was assigned as a planning staff officer for multinational exercises at headquarters Eurocorps in Strasbourg, France. Since August 2015, he works as the Personal Assistant to the President of the Federal Academy for Security Policy and the Secretary of the Advisory Board in Berlin. Michael Hanisch served in the NATO mission in Kosovo and in the European Union training mission in Mali.

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