Of the Hundred and fifty-three fish

Of the Hundred and fifty-three fish

Identity and enowning in the image of a number On a hidden relationship between the writings of John and the three other Gospels

Herbert Weiler

Geistes-, Sozial- & Kulturwissenschaften


559,8 KB

DRM: Wasserzeichen

ISBN-13: 9783752808636

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 03.08.2018

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: philosophy, theology, numerology, Astrology

10,99 €

inkl. MwSt.

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The number 153, which is mentioned in the Gospel of John as the
number of fish caught at the nocturnal fishing on Lake Tiberias
appears as significant as it is mysterious.

Also the richness of its mathematical relations - it yields, e.g., the
addition series or the triangular number of the seventeen, which is mentioned in the Mosaic writings quite often, and it represents the first Armstrong number - cannot explain the peculiar way of its mention: it stands alone, without further indication of measure as is the case with other numbers.
It is mentioned without any further arithmetical or narrative context; it appears like a statement that contains a special but hidden meaning.

The work traces the meaning of the number on the basis of the Hebrew etymology.
In the process, a hitherto unknown relation of this number to the
story of camel and eye of a needle in the other three Gospels is revealed.
Herbert Weiler

Herbert Weiler

Born 1956 - from 1974 studied free painting and free graphics in Cologne with Karl Marx and Pravoslav Sovak -

1978 encounter with the Munich Rhythmenlehre, from 1983 seminars with Wolfgang Döbereiner - seminar activity to art history and astrology - 1984-1990 lecturer at the Cologne FH for art & design, seminars for drawing as development of seeing - painter, sculptor, author - astrological consultations and seminars, essays.

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