Objectives and strategies for education policies in the Baltic Sea Region
The Baltic Sea Region is often considered the most innovative and economically strongest region of Europe. However, these strong developments and dynamics are at risk to face their limits. A rather high unemployment rate exists in many countries in the region, while at the same time, a lack of skilled work force is growing – which might indicate, that the existing qualifications are not in line with the actual demands. A strong commitment is needed from all countries around the Baltic Sea Region, in particular with respect to the most important pillar of any well-working system, the education policy. The whole region is clearly characterised by small- and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). To stay competitive on a global scale, these companies need employees with the best possible qualifications. The text included has been discussed and adopted by the Hanse Parlament, an umbrella organization of 50 Chambers of Crafts and/or Commerce , and the Baltic Sea Academy, a network of 16 academic institutions that closely cooperate for the benefit of SMEs in the region.This publication summarizes the opportunities and challenges to then provide concrete recommendations, from early childhood education, general education, vocational training and higher education.
The book includes the identical text in English, German, Polish and Russian language.
Bildungspolitische Ziele und Strategien für den Ostseeraum
Cele i strategie polityki edukacyjnej dla regionu Morza Bałtyckiego
Цели и стратегии образовательной политики для балтийского региона
The Baltic Sea Academy is a non-profit network of 17 universities, dedicated to develop education and research for the benefit of small and medium sized enterprises in the Baltic Sea Region.
Baltic Sea Academy (Hrsg.)
The Baltic Sea Academy is a network of 16 universities and polytechnis that cooperate for the benefit of small and medium-sized companies in the region.
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