Notes on the important verbs of your life. Life is a Story -

Notes on the important verbs of your life. Life is a Story -

Stefanie Adela Höfer


64 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783710884184

Verlag: publishing

Erscheinungsdatum: 31.08.2023

Sprache: Deutsch, Englisch

18,00 €

inkl. MwSt. / portofrei

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You dream, you love, you lose, you change and gosh, there is still so much more. These are the most important verbs of your life each of which represent how you experience and define your world. So, excuse me but I can't resist sharing my notes with you on this. Read this book when you are at the beach, on your way to work, or on your couch with a cup of tea. At this point I don't even know if I wrote this book for me or, perhaps, for you. Let's say we both need it. My notes can dig deep, but only when they have to and bring you a smile when you desperately need one. And when you finish the last page, you will feel like you met that one good old friend again and talked about lifeyou know?
Stefanie Adela Höfer

Stefanie Adela Höfer

Stefanie Adela Höfer is a brand and marketing executive and first-time author from Bavaria, Germany. Her vivid imagination has manifested from a childhood spent in the forests of her hometown and ignited a life-long dream of writing a book. She has a passion for sharing notes and poems on social media where she interweaves the personal and universal feelings of growing up and experiencing the world through her introspective storytelling. Throughout her book Stefanie invites readers to relish in relatable anecdotes from her own life and allows them to also find bits of themselves between the pages. She hopes that through her candid writing readers will find themselves on a thought-provoking journey of self-discovery. Stefanie's journey as an author is just beginning and readers can connect with her @adelas.notes on TikTok and Instagram to stay updated on all that is to come!

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