Non-Wood Forest Products in Europe

Non-Wood Forest Products in Europe

Ecology and management of mushrooms, tree products, understory plants and animal products

Harald Vacik (Hrsg.), Mike Hale (Hrsg.), Heinrich Spiecker (Hrsg.), Davide Pettenella (Hrsg.), Margarida Tomé (Hrsg.)

Wirtschaft & Management


416 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783749475469

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 27.07.2020

Sprache: Englisch

38,99 €

inkl. MwSt. / portofrei

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Mehr Infos
Non-wood forest products (NWFP) are important goods provided by forest ecosystems. They comprise a group of products derived from mushrooms and truffles, understory plants to tree products, but also including animals and their products sourced from forests. The ecological requirements for the management of NWFP are as broad as the variety found between species. The importance of the products is strongly related to the regional context and within Europe there are several differences in formal regulations and demands. Many of these products are naturally occurring and wild harvested, others are cultivated within the forest using special treatments for their promotion. Under the FP1203 COST Action the current state of knowledge regarding the sustainable management of NWFP was described by a large number of researchers and experts.
This book provides an overview about the joined efforts at European level to gather information about the ecology of NWFP, available data and models, as well as their production and management. Selected case studies provide an overview about the specifics of mushrooms and truffles, tree products, NWFP from the understorey and animal products. The information can support the efforts in providing multiple ecosystem services and addressing NWFP as an integral part of forest management concepts in Europe.

No authors available.

Harald Vacik

Harald Vacik (Hrsg.)

Mike Hale

Mike Hale (Hrsg.)

Heinrich Spiecker

Heinrich Spiecker (Hrsg.)

Davide Pettenella

Davide Pettenella (Hrsg.)

Margarida Tomé

Margarida Tomé (Hrsg.)

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