No-thing - ungraspable freedom

No-thing - ungraspable freedom

Andreas Müller

Spiritualität & Esoterik


240 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783839152928

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 27.10.2016

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: Non-Duality, Liberation, Advaita, Enlightenment, Timeless Wonder

14,50 €

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'I am' is the dream. 'I am' is that which experiences itself as separate. However, it is not real. There is no 'I' to be separate.
The death of 'I am' is the end of separation. However, nothing dies, because there is nothing alive. All there is is aliveness itself which is free already. It is ungraspable freedom.
In this book, Andreas points to the natural reality which is no-thing. A reality that apparently is beyond the energetic setup of 'I am' which is exposed as illusory.
Andreas Müller

Andreas Müller

Andreas has been holding talks and seminars since 2011. This book contains extracts from the talks that took place between 2017 and 2019.


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