Writing? ... This painstakingly acquired skill - not for you, you say? But reading, well, that's fine? Let's rethink this. Writing has shaped how we share knowledge, challenge ideas, and build the world we live in. Let's not leave the narratives to others - especially those who seek to control them. It's not just what we experience, everything we read shapes our awareness, our ability to listen, and the decisions we make. Writing is how we pass on knowledge, question authority, and imagine new possibilities. What we write today influences not just AI models but also future writers and thinkers, helping them discover new solutions. Human feedback has always been and remains the key to a future where we can thrive together. Think along. Speak up. Get involved. And WRITE! That's how we keep stories alive. That's how we shape the future.
Vera Ansén, born in 1972, has been exploring narratives and media impact since 1992, always with the aim of overcoming speechlessness and helping people amplify their causes. We are all creators of culture, for we tell stories. The realization that the head is round so that thoughts can move freely is key to the question: How do we become MORE effective? Stay curious! I certainly will.
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