In this book Prof. (UCN) Dr. Christian Hanisch has now published his dissertation with the scientific investigations, statistical evaluations and the results. The research shows that trauma, depression, anxiety and much else can be caused by mental blockages and how to counteract this through neuro-coaching. How psychotherapy or coaching, based on physical and physiological - especially neuroelectric - principles can work, he makes clear on the basis of comprehensible test series.
Prof. (UCN) Christian Hanisch Ph.D., Neuro-Coach Master Trainer for NLP, developer of emotionSync® and Master Typo3®, received his doctorate from Professor (UCN) Karl Nielsen with his doctoral thesis in modern psychology studies. His in-depth knowledge of how humans neuroelectric are working, he has transferred it to psychology, psychotherapy, neuropsychology and coaching. He is the specialist in neuro-coaching with a scientifically sound background. For more than 20 years, Professor Hanisch has continued to train in many methods and uses them effectively in his daily work for his clients.
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